Friday, February 21, 2014


12:42 PM Posted by Unknown No comments


sama seperti   TV series lain nya yg gw tonton, dimulai dengan iseng2.
gila ini series dari tahun 2005 udah 9 season. and still tayang .
ok gw coba mulai pelan2 dari season 1 gw download /hari 5 episod.

Itu pemain nya ganteng amat. 
hampir mirip kaya Channing Tatum. 
where have you been all these time gw gak pernah liat di film lain.
what a waste a gift punya muka ganteng tapi gak begitu terkenal.

oke ini series ttg 2 kakak beradik.
mereka pemburu hantu semacam itulah. hunters..

mereka terobsesi cari demon yg ngebunuh orang tua mereka, dan sam's girlfriend.

Dean is the older brother. 
but apprently lebih dewasaan adek nya Sam. ngakak
Dean typical gokil, galak, lucu, angkuh, suka godain cewek, cuma sebenernya dia setia.
kadang ekspresi mukanya ngeselin ngakak abis.
oh god i love that guy.
sementara Sam lebih educated pre law school, pendiem, sabar, low profile.
mereka saling melengkapi deh.

pokoknya tiap episode ganti2 topik dan ganti2 problem.
gak takut ketinggalan deh.
mereka berkelana, dengan mobil nya DEAN. which is really sweet by the way. 
look at this 

he loves his car, but more importantly he loves his brother. Sam. 

they always watch out each other asses
waktu Dean dying, sam crying.
waktu Sam dying, Dean crying.

tapi walopun gitu mereka juga sering berantem.
best scene pas mereka berantem S01E06 SKINS-
disitu ada monster yg bisa menyerupai siapa aja.
dan monster tsb duplicated Dean. terus berantem sama Sam.
pretty cool btw >___<

and waktu their dad died, Dean pretty messed up, galau and acting like a jerk.
Sam selalu nanya, are you ok man? because he's not ok.
Sam really concern about him.
when Dean punch Sam in the face because he always asked is he ok,
sam gak bales.
malah kebesokan nya pas Dean marah sama Sam lagi, he offered to take another swing. 
go ahead, make your self satisfied.
aku terpesona.
oh sam. >__<

maybe kapan2 gw bikin another post, khusus facts about supernatural.
ok bye >_<

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sherlock S02E01 Review (Spoiler alert)

5:48 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
my favorit episod of Sherlock is 2x01 (season 2 episod 1) dimana ada Irene Adler (The Woman).
ending nya itu loh oh my god. heart breaking abis. 
musik background nya juga menyayat hati. *Ealah but true :(
di episod itu ceritanya sherlock dituntut untuk buka password hp Irene yg di lock 4 digit.
di hp tsb ada bukti2 dokumen rahasia dari UK government. 
dan cuma ada 4 kali percobaan. kalo salah 4x bisa ke burn hardisk nya.

singkat kata waktu Irene ke rumah Sherlock dia memanipulasi Sherlock buat bacain kode rahasia pemerintah.
irene nantang sherlock buat impress dia. bisa gak pecahin kode tsb.
dan sherlock bisa. yg ternyata itu sebuah no tempat duduk pesawat.

irene yg sudah tau kalo itu sebuah no tempat duduk pesawat, langsung text Moriaty.
yak dia bekerja sama Moriaty. 
irene cuma manfaatin sherlock buat mecahin kode. 
yang kemudian ketauan kalo kode itu punya Mycroft (sherlock brother)
sherlock dijebak.
sherlock sakit hati karna dia cuma di manfaatin seperti itu.

MY THEORY: menurut gw Sherlock tau kalo Irene suka sama dia.
dan Sherlock pun sebenernya suka sama Irene.
tapi Sherlock sakit hati ketika tau Irene cuma manfaatin dia buat pecahin kode dan bekerjasama sama musuh besarnya Moriaty.
di awal Irene flirting, godain Sherlock buat ngajak dinner.
buat Sherlock jadi merasa Irene suka sama dia.

BUT.. di akhir Irene agak sedikit sentiment, cerita kalo Moriaty is kind of her type. dan ngatain Mycroft the ice man and Sherlock is The Virgin..

menurut gw, njing ini orang, kalo suka sih suka aja. pake belaga, kalo gak mau ketauan kalo suka ya diem2 aja. gak usah ngata2in.

yang mana malah buat Sherlock tau kalo Irene terlalu sentiment mendem perasaan ke dia.. sebenernya kalo Irene gak banyak ngomong, itu Hp nya pasti di tinggal. gak bakal di buka passwordnya, karna tinggal 1 kesempatan lagi..
tapi di akhir Irene nunjukin sifatnya yg gitu, jadi buka mata Sherlock dan tau passwordnya..

Sherlock : the game was too elaborate, you were enjoying yourself too much.
Irene : hmm.. there's no such thing as too much.
Sherlock : Oh enjoying the thrill of the chase is fine. craving the distraction of the game. i sympathise, but sentiment? sentiment is chemical found in the losing side.
Irene : sentiment? what are you talking about? 
Sherlock : you.
Irene : oh dear god. look at the poor man.. you dont actually think i was interested in you. why? because you're The Great Sherlock Holmes the clever detective in the funny hat? 
Sherlock : no. (adegan merinding because i took your pulse. elevated. your pupils dilated. 


 Sherlock: The combination to your safe, your measurements.
but this,
this is far more intimate,
this is your heart and you should never let it rule your head.

You could have chosen any random number
and walked out off here today with everything you worked for.
But you just couldn't resist it, could you?
I've always assumed that love is a dangerous disadvantage.
Thank you for the final proof. 

IRENE: everything i said is not true, i was just playing a game 
SHERLOCK: i know. and this is just losing. 

sorry about dinner. 

In the end they both breaking each other heart.
mungkin kata sherlock: "bitch pls, you can walk away with that phone left behind. tapi lu masih ngedumel ngatain gw. membuat gw feel worse. bilang week security dari mycroft adalah adik nya sendiri sherlock holmes. nyesel gw buka kode tsb. :ngakak
gw buka kode hp ini dan mempermalukan lu di depan mycroft kalo lu sebenernya suka sama gw"
di akhir dia bilang sorry about dinner,
makin buat terasa "bitch lu gw tolak" and I still win.

musik pengiring nya bro..
bikin merinding mau nangis..

nih clip youtube nya :( 
comments nya juga pada mau nangis :( 
im not the only one :(

tat tara tata ....
my heart breaking..
sudah sudah...